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Thursday, April 22, 2010


Yo, hot diggity dawgs! I am recovering nicely from the post-Yom Ha'atzmaut BBQ Bonanza, you will be happy to hear.

Plus, thank you to my friend Joel for posting this most amazing link on Facebook- this comedian writes his 62 favorite things about Israel (plus you can go to links that include even more faves from previous years).

One of the things I absolutely love about this dude is that he keeps harping on his love for kumkums - electric kettles (reason #5 in 2009 and #9 in 2008). I, too, am absolutely obsessed with them! They warm up your water in about 20 seconds, max, and I, too, can't understand how Americans and the rest of the greater enlightened world have existed without them thus far. (I mean, I'm sure the isolated house or 12 in Ireland or New Jersey has one, but you won't find them in every kitchen (and break room, dorm, hotel - need I go on?) the way you will here.

Plus, saying 'kumkum' is just too cute.

I hope that you'll consider getting your own kumkum after reading this. Just think, in the blink of an eye, you can make instant:
  • Coffee 
  • Oatmeal
  • Tea
  • Hot water with lemon (har)
  • And endless other tantalizing possibilities...
NEway, I must get to bed. Off to dream of kumkums! Be good!

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