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Monday, February 8, 2010

One Apartment, Coming Right Up!

The dreaded apartment hunt is finally over! Yes, comrades, as trumpeted on Facebook, I have signed the lease on an apartment in Katamon and have my own place. Finally!!

This is a huge relief since I have been living out of suitcases for 2.5 months now. I've gotten used to being flexible but I can't wait to have a place all my own. Right now, my new apartment is light-filled, lovely and completely empty.

That's right, there is not a stick of furniture to be found in the place. Aside from the refrigerator and stove, which are not to be taken for granted in Israel (since they are not always included in a rental). I have a huge list of things I need to buy, and first up, is....a vanity table complete with poufy chair!!

Ha ha, just kidding, it's a bed. I mean, what would I do otherwise, sleep on top of my overstuffed duffle bag? Hmm, I could always sleep in my refrigerator...No darlings, I need a serious bed, with a headboard, box spring and comfy mattress, and then I need a desk. I will be working from home, after all. (I seem to say that line 10 times a day - sorry if I'm boring you. It's just so revolutionary to me.)

And then I need to get just enough furniture to have a housewarming shindig! You're all invited, of course. I wouldn't mind at all if you flew in from the US and A just for the party. I think it would be worth it, don't you? I will be serving mulled wine (70% likelihood). And you can sleep on my desk, if I don't have a guest bed yet.

Soooooo, rehitim (furniture in Hebrew) it is! Luckily, I live near the industrial area of Talpiot, where furniture stores abound. I should be able to find plenty of things that catch my fancy. And then it's on to the business of making a home!

The thing I think I love the most about my new apartment is that it has a nice-sized garden. Coming from Manhattan, it's like shangri-la. I can even have a sukkah in it if I so desire! I plan to string up some lanterns and hang out there 24/7 when the weather is nice. Fly in anytime to join me, whether it's from Tel Aviv (sooooo far away) or New York (a hop, skip and a jump).

Also, the place has history. Before 1948, the apartment building it's housed in was the Iraqi Embassy. Even better still, during the War of Independence, there was a gun fight between the Palmach (resistance) fighter who lived in my apartment and the enemies directly across the way. Apparently there are still bullet holes in the building's facade.

Yes, Scooby Doo, this is true.

I'm actually taking all of this as a good sign. I'm very zionistic and I'm proud to be in a place that helped Israel win her (yes, her, since medina is a female term) independence. And I'm sure the Palmach fighter had fabulous furniture.

1 comment:

  1. Twisted Sister (yours, not someone else's)February 12, 2010 at 6:50 AM

    You cracked me up. Mazel tov!
